
 Question 3


A training session is to be developed by Energy Pro for their employees, supervisors, and the staff members of all the offices. All employees should know how to trust their supervisors. All employees should be provided with phone numbers for quick reference if a crisis appears. Participating in programs and training sessions sponsored by the government and professional organizations, and networking with others in the profession are all helpful on understanding each other.

 Team building will also be required to help team members with the need to understand enough about each others profession and to allow them to work together effectively, team training should allow the discussion of  policies, legal constraints, technical vocabulary, and other considerations that each profession brings to the training session. 

 Provide employees with opportunities to actively participate on teams to suggest ways to improve work processes to better achieve organisational goals, recognizing and rewarding employees for suggestions that will improve the work of the organisation, assigning employees the task of interpreting what the agency mission, vision, values and goals mean to them by conducting a staff meeting where everyone discusses the meaning of each one.  Offer new challenges, people like challenges when they believe they will be supported by management, given the necessary resources to meet the challenges and get the job done, and that the organisation will reward them appropriately when challenges are met.  Create an atmosphere of partnership to reduce fear in subordinates. 

 Encourage people to work together as a team, by building work relationships by doing things together outside work, have lunch together or engage in sports activitie, this allows co - workers to get to know each other as people not just as supervisors and co - workers.  Participation in team building activities, organizing a company picnic, bowling event, boat trip etc.

This strategy is one of the strategies that will include cultivating a closer understanding of the employee population and what they expect from the organization in order to become more fully committed. Energy Pro  will have to  define what an engaged employee looks like and provide the metrics for measuring the success of engagement initiatives in terms of productivity and other desired employee behaviors.

Some key points that can be used to move teams closer together and to understand each other is listed below:

·         Knows how to identify the agenda of others

·         Knows how to share one’s own agenda in respectful ways

·         Knows how to combine multiple agendas to create win/win solutions.

The rewards most  employees receive they treasure come from the internal satisfaction of doing one’s best on meaningful work. Reinforce employees’ intrinsic satisfaction by showing appreciation for their efforts. There are many ways to show appreciation, depending upon the person and the context of the work. Of utmost importance is that the appreciation be timely and offered sincerely. Some of the more public ways to express appreciation is to provide:

Opportunities for achievement
Giving of challenging responsibility
Opportunity for advancement
Opportunity for growth in stature and peer recognition
In some cases the abovementioned done between the teams and supervisors increases their interaction and enhances their relationship it also brings about confidence in each other and trust is formed between these employees as this is formed there is a sudden connection between the supervisors and the teams within Energy Pro.